Sharing moments in time…

Archive for June 6, 2013

Yellowstone – Friendliest Coyote Ever

We were riding down one of the roads in North Yellowstone when we saw this coyote walking down the center of the street in front of us.  As we pulled closer, he (or she) moved closer to the side of the road but he wasn’t yielding the whole road to us.  As we pulled ahead, and moved onto one of the turnouts, he seemed perfectly content to follow us into the field and continue to get his picture taken.  Several other cars/photographers had joined in the fun by this time.  Here’s a photo I took as he was passing by….

Look'em into the eye

Look’em in the eye

As he kept going past us, I was also able to take this photo to give a better view of the entire animal and its surroundings with the beautiful snow capped mountains in the distance.

Beautiful day, spectacular view, and a new friend

Beautiful day, spectacular view, and a new friend

Some of the other photographers were also able to capture the scene.  Dan Munson was nice enough to send us this photograph of the coyote passing by me.  I tried not to move as he approached me head on and then just gave me a glance as he passed by….nice.  Thanks for sending the photo Dan!

Close coyote encounter

Close coyote encounter