Sharing moments in time…

Archive for June 20, 2012

Photographing the Photographer…

A frequent happening in Yellowstone was that if you pulled to the side in one of the turnouts on the road, other folks would also stop and ask what you were taking pictures of.  Thats what happened here.  I was taking photos of these bison, the mountains behind and their reflections in the lake.  This very nice gentleman from Germany asked me what I was taking and I showed him one of my bison reflection photos.  He liked the idea so he went down closer to the lake to take a similar photo.  Just as he was getting ready, the bison formed a very nice line and started to walk away in formation.  I took another picture of the bison and their reflection but I also took this one including my German friend – I think I actually like this one better than just the bison…..
