Sharing moments in time…

Posts tagged “kingfisher

Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition

I have lots of brand new photos to choose from so I did a quick scan and found a couple that fit the challenge.  Both of these photos feature the pairings of a large animal with a small one – in both of these cases a bird.  The first is obviously a Zebra but with a starling visitor on his back.  These starlings are almost irridescent blue/black with bright yellow eyes – presenting a contrast even with the most contrasting of animals – the Zebra.

Contrasting sizes and Colors

Contrasting sizes and Colors

The second photo positions one of the smallest and quickest birds in Africa, the Pied Kingfisher with one of the largest and slowest mammals on the planet, the African Elephant.  I was focused on the Kingfisher and was happy that I was able to also capture the Elephant as part of the background for the shot…..

The Large and the Small of it.....

The Large and the Small of it…..

The first photo was taken in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania and the second was taken from a boat in the Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda




Weekly Photo Challenge: Breakfast

Ya gotta love the photo challenges as they always have me searching my photos for an appropriate capture.  So this challenge kind of made me think about my new home routines that revolve around seeking my next subject.  Its pretty simple, I to to Starbucks, get a latte, then choose a location that I think might be good that day – thats my new photographic routine.  What made me think of telling you that is that it started when I got the camera that I’m using now (a Nikon D7000 if anyone is interested).  My photo for the day was taken during my 1st or 2nd session out practicing with the new gear.  I grabbed my Starbucks and headed for the San Diego River inlet to see if could catch some birds in flight.  After getting a few good shots of herons and egrets, this kingfisher came into the little inlet and started making his headlong plunges into the water.  I got a few good shots of him hovering and during his dive, but this was the “keeper” in my book – he hit his target but looks like he lost his “breakfast” during the process.  Anyway, I hope you like the photo – taken during one of my breakfast expeditions.

Breakfast - I got mine, he lost his....